The leading voice of the small and growing business sector

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Catalyzing Change

Join the ANDE Pan Africa Conference 2025 in Senegal

Connect with visionaries at the ANDE Pan Africa Conference 2025 to foster inclusive entrepreneurship through youth empowerment, innovation, and diversity. Register now and inspire action for Africa’s future.

ANDE Updates
A man moves garbage on a waste landfill, and a blackbird stays in the front.
Investment Innovation Fund
Igniting Green Growth in Kenya and India

Six entrepreneur support organizations receiving $700,000 in funding to catalyze investment in the waste and circular economy.

Learn more
Map of Ethiopia and its localization in Africa
Empowering Ethiopia’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

The partnership between USAID CATALYZE Market Systems for Growth (MS4G) and ANDE seeks to enhance business support services and facilitate investments to foster private sector growth and resilience in Ethiopia.

Entrepreneur Journey Home Page
Entrepreneur Journeys

Come and explore the extraordinary journeys of entrepreneurs—small and growing businesses—working alongside ANDE members across the globe. Here is a sample: videos where these trailblazers share their own remarkable stories.

Member Spotlight Yellow Wide
Member Spotlight

Listen to leaders from our member organizations describe their efforts to develop ecosystems for small and growing businesses in the Global South.

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